Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's the Day

Wow I have had this blog for a year and and a half. It will be sad to end a walk in my flip flops. ....But I know its the right thing to do. I have started a blog with my sisters in November, I was going to keep this blog going but it is way to hard to keep up with 2. I don't know how people have a facebook and a blog, one of them goes down hill I'm sure. My older sister Elizabeth came up with the idea of sharing a blog, Rebekah and I thought it was a great idea too. So now we have a blog together. I will keep this blog so I don't loose all the stuff I have already written. I am so blessed to have 2 of the best sisters in the world, we all agreed on a name, background, and pictures. My sisters are my best friends even though we do not always get along and sometimes get on each others nerves we are Best Friends. No no we are closer then Friends we're sisters! So come on by and check us out...........
I hope to see my family and friends at the new blog. Thanks for being a visitor to a Walk in My Flip Flops!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Thank you MORGAN

Morgan awarded me all three awards.

I also award all my female Blogger's


1. Thank the person who awarded you

2. Copy the award.

3. Post it on your blog.

4. Tell us seven things your readers don't know.

5. Link 7 new blogger's as recipient's .

6. Notify the winners of the award with a comment on their blog.

7. Keep on shining the light of Christ with others

Thank you Morgan for the awards. Morgan found me in Sept. and come to find out we live in the same town. Morgan is a good big sister, and always leaves a sweet comment. I see the Lord working in her blog.

Now for seven things......

I awarded all my followers

1. I am allergic to bananas

2. I type very slow

3. I sleep on a top bunk

4. I have been a Christian for 7 years

5. This year I have been getting deeper in my walk with Christ.

6. I am going to STOP doing this blog Dec. 4th ........oh that's Friday : (

7. BUT...........I am going to link everyone to my new blog on my last day here Friday.

So be sure to come back FRIDAY!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Actors of the past...

(Left to right) Donald O'Connor, Gene Kelley, and Fred Astaire.

I really like old movies,
and these 3 actors
are my favorite.
They all 3 can sing and dance very well!

Monday, November 23, 2009

I was awarded...


1. do a post about the one who awarded you, and their blog.

2. Give the award to 5 of your blogging friends, tell about them and their blog, and leave a comment on their blog

3. Answer the 10 random questions.

I was awarded by Chloe from Blooming in Christ. Thank you Chloe for the award. I have just recently became a follower, and see how the Lord is shinning in you. I can not wait to see what's in store for your blog, and how the Lord will use you. Thank you so much.

So I award ......

Miss Lynda




The random questions:

Have you ever ridden elephant? Yes, at a zoo

Have you ever eaten squid? Nope and don't plan to.

What is something crazy you have done with your best friend? I can' t pick one

Have you ever held an alligator? NO

Have you ever let a snake slither through your fingers? Yes, when I was little my parents owned a pet store.

What is your first and foremost dream? That the Lord will use me, to pull others closer to Him.

What is your dream vacation? I hate to pick anything, but I have always wanted to go to United Kingdom.

What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? Our home made movies.

What is your favorite song? These are the words that I would say, by Sidewalk Prophets

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pictures of my trip.

This is all of us at Magic Kingdom. Is the castle not Beautiful? We went to Magic Kingdom on Monday. Below is a picture of the show that was on the Castle stage. Magic Kingdom is a lot of fun and tomorrow we are going there again for Mickey's Christmas party, were it snows on Main Street.

Every year we try on different hats and have our picture taken, Mom and Ruth Ella took the picture.

(Left to right) Madison, Stephen, Rebekah, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Me William, Daddy, Wesley, and James.

Above William, Wesley, Jonathan, and Stephen had their picture taken with Pooh and Tigger. This picture was taken in United Kingdom at Epcot. To the left the girls got there picture taken with Aurora. It was taken in France. In case you did not know Epcot has a thing were you can travel all around the world. We went to 11 countries in one afternoon! We watched a movie about Canada and Martin Short spoke about the different areas, and did you know he is from Canada? We also watched a movie about France, I didn't know how pretty France is.

This is Epcot and there is a ride in that big ball looking thing called Spaceship Earth. Below is a picture of Mom, Ruth Ella, and Me. If you look closely the ball thing is behind us. I hope you enjoyed the pictures I will try to post more another time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Disney News

Hello, We went to Magic Kingdom and we had a blast. We took Jonathan on some rides he has never been on. Our favorite was Splash Mountain. It gets really dark then it drops you, I road in a row with Jonathan and his face was priceless. We always pick partners and Jonathan has been mine 3 years in a row, I love having him as a partner. I think Jonathan likes Disney the most. We road this one ride called Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress, it was all about the progress from the out house to indoor pluming, and all the different stoves... it's amazing how the times have changed. The Carousel had such a catching tune. Space Mountain was closed:( witch last year we road 12 times or more:) this year we had a really good spot to see the parade, and we saw a really good show at the castle. Main street is so pretty and has all these little old shops, it reminds me of all my old classic movies. We are staying here in the condo on Thursday so I am going to post the pictures from the week so far. Oh yeah today we got some Christmas shopping done, tomorrow we are going to Epcot. So, I will have a lot to blog on Thursday.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Here

Hi everyone we made it. It felt like this day would never come. The place we are staying in very nice and is right down the street from Downtown Disney. We had a good time today we swam a lot and walked around the resort, and we have had a great time being a family. We are going to Magic Kingdom tomorrow so I should probable head to bed good night.

P.S. I will try to post pictures of today soon.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Little things

Elizabeth gave me this book Friday night. It's all about making things. Now this really came as a shock to me because Elizabeth dose not buy anything. She is very cheap I always tell her if she were in the desert and someone tried to sale her some water for $5.00 she would not buy it. She says she would. The thing is that Elizabeth bought this book with her own money and did not say you better make me something first, or I want to make something out of the book. She said I wanted to give you this hoping it would help you with your talent. If you don't know me personally I am very sensitive and when she did this for me it made me realize what a Great sister I have. She doesn't even buy things for her self, but bought something for me. It kinda reminds me of what Christ did for us. He died for us even when we try to push him aside and say I am in charge.

Friday, November 6, 2009

1 day

I am tiered and fill a bit sad all at the same time. First I'm tiered cause I stayed up to late. Second I just feel bad to leave Adelina and Cookie, I know they are animals but they are my animals. (really they are the Lords) but I and my family take care of them. I will also miss the dogs who come for daycare, I feel like they are my pets as well. We are planing to leave at 7:00am I think!?! We always go to the Super Target when we first arrive. Yay I really will try to blog to let all of you know whats going on with me. Not like you all really care what I do everyday, cause if you did I think we need to work on somethings like separating. just kidding I love all my blogging friends even if they do live in Canada, and in Africa.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm Packed

I just finished packing I have a few last minute things like my tooth brush, left but that's the last thing to be packed for me. This is my new backpack it came last night UPS I think.........but it dose not really matter how it came right? Elizabeth picked it out for me, she dose really good at picking out things. So I am done chatting, the point was I got done at 10:30pm and am ready for bed.
Good night

2 days

Only two days left. We are painting the store so I do not have much time to Blog but hope to while in Florida. We pack to night and I got a new backpack! I will post pictures as soon as I can. can't wait to leave but will miss Adelina, and Cookie:-(

Monday, November 2, 2009


Wow only five more days!!!!! I am ready for it to be one more day, but then I remember you should not wish your life away. So I will not wish my life away instead be glad its only 5 days and not 50. So other then counting down Nothing is really new. We did go to the park yesterday and played football with our cousin's. I will try to get those pictures on here soon. O yes Mom ordered a back pack for me, it should be here by the time we leave. YAY:-)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Funny Dog

What are you looking at?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

These are a few of my favorite thing

These are not in order
1. Playing with my brothers
2. Petting Adelina
3. Staying up late and talking with my sisters
4. Long talks with Daddy
5. Cookie jumping in to my arms
6. Helping Mom with the Boys
7. Holding Ruth Ella
(when she's happy)
8. Visiting with the Pauls Family
9. Family Vacations
10. Reading the Bible
11. The smell of pop corn
12. Listening to music
13. Ben and Jerry's ice cream

14. Blogging and getting Comments (dose that count as one?)
15. Going to Wal*Mart
16. Playing card games with my Cousins
17. Watching the sun set
18. Laying on the hammock
19. Writing in my journal
20. Knowing the Lords love for me

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Begin with the end in mind

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Author Unknown

Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm Sorry

I am so so so so Sorry!!!! I lied Not on purpose, it is 123 days till we see the Pauls. You see the other day Rebekah told all of us that there was 130 days till we see the Pauls. I thought she said 103. but I was Wrong. So I apologize. I pray you will forgive me. But now there are 14 days till we leave for Florida!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

16 days

I am so excited Sixteen days till Florida. I liked our RV trip better, but its just something about taking some time off. Its nice to chill in the room of by the pool. We always pack card games and this year we have a new game to bring Dutch Blitz, If you are wondering what this game is, its a card game that we played at the Pauls' house. It is a fast card game, and so much fun. We also are learning the card game Rook. it is a bit harder for me. In fact the first night we played my dad had to call our Uncle Bill to ask a question. Dad Said Uncle Bill is really good at Rook and you don't want to play with him unless your pretty good. So that's all I have to say for now. Oh Rebekah said its 98 more days till our trip to see the pauls.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well I have been driving a lot this weekend, my dad is probably the best driving teacher in the world, he is so encouraging. I am learning how to drive our 15 passenger van! It is kinda scary and I am short so I have to sit up tall. But my dad says if you can drive this you can drive anything. I was driving home from some friends of ours house and William was in the back just talking away and someone said something about my driving skills. William said is Mana driving? Madison said yes, then William said shes doing a good job. So at least He thinks I'm doing a good job.

Well I have sad news. I gave Hedan away yesterday. It was a hard thing to do but He just was not good with the boys or me. So I gave him to a breeder the same breeder were I got Adelina. So he is in a better place. If you our wondering why did you get a rabbit if you are just going to get rid of it? Here is my reason, I got Hedan to breed with Adelina, because the breeder said she will die if you do not breed her before she is 6 months old. Well that's why I got Hedan but they would never breed all they did was fight, I guess I should re word that Adelina would not breed. I will miss him.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Happy birthday Jonathan.

Jonathan's birthday was really last Friday he turned 11.

But we have so many birthdays in October I thought I would do a Big post on Birthdays.

Happy birthday Zachary

Our good friend Zachary Pauls, he turned 9 today in Canada.

(Left to right) Stephen, Jesse, Zachary, & James

Happy Birthday Stephen

Stephen turned 7 today and has a new hair cut to go with his new age.

Me with the birthday boys

Happy birthday to all the birthday boys, I love you all and know God has a big plan for you little guys.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I got my permit yesterday! I was so scared I don't think I have ever prayed so hard. But every time I would get a question wrong two more would pop up that I knew from the test on the Internet. I felt like a baby because here I am stressing over a test, how gay is that? But after I passed I made sure to pray and thank the Lord for letting me pass. So that is one less thing I have to stress over, now to move on to bigger and better things. So if you live in Cleveland stay off the roads!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend fun

This last weekend we had so much fun playing outside, The sun was shining the air was cool, and we had a good time.

William was playing like he was traped in a net.

We also had fun playing on the new tower Madison, Dad, and James built. It is pretty high as you can tell in this picture.

This is my favorite Picture of James.Little Wesley he is so funny and wants to do whatever this big brothers are doing. I really don't think he liked it on the tower, but sience his brothers were up there thats were he wanted to be.

These silly boys were acting like we were being attacked.

I also pushed Jonathan on the swing

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sweet Girl

Ruth Ella is a sweetie pie,She is going to be so spoiled.

Here she is in here bunny suite, this is my favorite outfit, mainly because I picked it out and bought it for her.

I love the feet.

Me and Ruth Ella

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adelina aand Hedan

Adelina and got all cleaned up today so I thought I would share some pictures of Her.
She is so funny if you stand close to her kennel and don't speak to her she'll stick her nose out and pull on your shirt. Adelind and Hedan love to play with each other.

Hedan is like a little shy kid, sometimes I forget he's around.

He is a sweet boy and will only come see you if you have a treat for him. The only way he likes to be healed is wrapped in a blanket laying on his back.

By the way our other two bunnies (Tom and Velveteen) our not Hedan and Adelina's babies. sorry for the confusion.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Megan

This is my good friend Megan Pauls. Her birthday was October 2nd.She is Now 16 and I wish I was with her to celebrate, but with her in Canada and me in Tennessee it was not possible. Megan is such a good friend to have she is encouraging and always has a smile on her face:) Did I mention she takes awesome pictures!?!
Left to Right
Me, Rebekah, and Megan
This was taken on our rafting trip when she and her family came down for a visit in July.

Me and Megan in March when my family and I went to Canada.

Happy Birthday Megan

I love you so much and hope you had a great birthday!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Maxwells

Last night My Family and I went to see the Maxwell Family in Knoxville. They were really good they all Played a string instrument and some of them sang, also the Maxwell children got up and shared something that the Lord had placed on their heart, It was neat to see what the Lord is doing in this family.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Random Pictures

A bush
Holly bush
It was great to see blue sky after all the rain we got.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Bunnies

These are our new bunnies. Meet Tom
and Velveteen
Adelina is doing good, She may not look it but She is.
and Hedan is hanging in there.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dogs and Me

Well if you ever look at the Great Doggie Doos blog and you see me in a picture I am probably kissing a dog or a dog is kissing me.
Gracie giving me a kiss.

Me giving Mandy a kiss.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Singing in the Rain

Today William came to take me to the car with an umbrella, it was raining if you did not get the hint. Well as I bent down to get under the umbrella William started to sing "I'm just a Fella a Fella with an umbrella". Over and over he would sing this. What is funny is he has never seen the movie Easter Parade so it was funny to hear him sing. He is such a sweet boy and loves to sing.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Foxy Friday

Well the other day we were sitting in the living room watching the boys play with Madison's go-cart. When Elizabeth spots this strange looking animal, at first thinking it was a cat. "What is that" I ask?! About that time James comes to the front door, "Do you see the Fox"? Dad goes to get the camera, and these are the pictures he took hope you enjoy.