Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Shoes


Have you ever heard the song ''Christmas Shoes''? Have you ever seen the Movie? I shall never forget the first time I heard that song when it first came out 4 years ago. (when my Father had cancer.) I shall never forget the tears that filled my eyes. Last year we got the movie while on vacation. Before my Father gave it to me he told me he should have gotten a box of Kleenex to go with it. Well he was right (like always). On the way home everyone was asleep (dad and mom were awake of course) so mom turned it on for me. I was seated next to Wesley so I grabbed his spit up rag (that didn't have any spit up on it) I needed something to dry my tears. At this point I really did need a box of Kleenex. After the movie was over dad looks back at me and starts to laugh. He told me he looked back and all he saw was tears pouring down my face. The whole point to this story is this movie is the best movie. So if you haven't seen the movie or heard the song you should. It will make you think and appreciate the ones you love. It will also make you ask yourself where are you going.......when your time is up and what did you do with your time while here? Which in the end is all that really today as if it's your last!