Thursday, April 17, 2008

Camp Out!


Well the camp out went well, let me tell you the Munck family knows how to Camp! We brought air mattresses, an extension cord, lap top, cell phones(to call Mom in the house) and a heater. It was only suppose to get down in the forty's. (Which is cold) but it felt like it got down in the teens. So I brought a small blanket and two pairs of socks. (praise the Lord I did.) So at three in the morning still awake. I heard dad and I said I'm ''FREEZING'' He said is Rebekah I said no she brought her down blanket, she is getting ''HOT''! I asked her if she would get close and snuggle with me. (I was really thinking could I share your blanket!) I got warmth and sleep, Rebekah got to Snuggle, it all worked out. We had PANCAKES!!!! this morning... Yummy!!!!!! So it all went well. I probably won't camp out again until this summer.

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