Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankful List....

5 MORE things I'm thankful for......

1. For family vacations and time together as a family.

2. For our neighbor Andrew coming home safely from boot camp.

3. Thankful that each year we get to spend time with family on holidays.

4. My cousins Brian and John, I have so many great memories with them.

5. For history books, I really enjoy American and World history.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful List

5 Things I'm thankful for......

This list is all about the many things I'm thankful about with my great-grandmother Nonnie.

1. She's loving and so thoughtful.

2. She knits me some really cool hats, I love hats!

3. She is very wise, and tells me lots of stories about her childhood.

4. She is so funny, and at times we forget she is 88.

5. Most of all I'm thankful she is my grandmother, and I love her so much!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thankful List

5 MORE things I'm thankful for....

1. For missionaries who leave the comforts of America to go and preach the good news of the God all over the world.

2. My brother William his face shines and is heart lights up a room.

3. The home God has blessed us with.

4. That my mother is a good cook.

5. My baby brother Wesley, you can already see the Lord in him by the way he loves on our brothers if they are upset or hurt.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thankful List

5 MORE things I'm thankful for.......

1. My brother James, he has such a tender heart and loves animals like I do

2. Our military troops

3. For the friend God has placed in my life

4. My brother Stephen, he always thinks of others before himself

5. Our church family

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful list......

5 "MORE" things I'm thankful for......

1. My brother Madison is so kind and never complains, he's a great example to the little brothers

2. Great Doggie Doos our family business

3. My health

4. Hebrews helps keep me focused

5. I'm so thankful that God placed Jonathan in our family and made me his older sister. I'm thankful I can help care for him and be his encourager.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thankful list...

5 things I'm thankful for.....

1. Knowing the Lord as my savior

2. Being raised in a Christian home

3. I love to see my parents relationship and that after 19 years they are still best friends and in love with each other

4. For my older sister Elizabeth helping me when I'm at a place that I need encouragement and some direction

5. For my little sister Rebekah always giving me a good laugh...even when we aren't seeing things eye to eye.....I am taller...LOL!!!

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

HOT to COLD!!!

Hello, today is one of the days I wish I was at the Beach. What a bad time to go to Florida, I mean to tease us with that hot weather. Then bring us back to 10 below 0!! Okay maybe its not that cold but it is rather cold. As my sister Elizabeth would say "its El Free o". That it is. But then I think how thankful I should be, I mean I do have warm clothes to wear, and I do have a warm house to live in.I guess what most of you are thinking (That spoiled brat not even thankful for what she has.) But I am thankful. I have so much to be thankful for. From now till Thanksgiving I will make it a point to write 5 things a day. I also here by give YOU a Challenge to write 5 things you are thankful for, lets see who can go without missing a day. Well I hope you are up for the challenge, cause the challenge may get the best of me...LOL!